My girlfriends mom II.
So I was telling you about my girlfriends mom yesterday, and how she was the hottest milf I have ever seen, and she waltzed in a bikini when we were making out. So she was quite embarrased at first and she went out, and we laughed a little with my sweet little girlfriend on this incident, but I noticed a kinky flicker of light in her eyes when she laughed that I could not comprehend at the time, but I knew its origins a half hour later.
So we were getting busy and started losing our clothes and I did not notice that we did not close the doors. I was getting ready for some hot hardcore action with this little angel, when I heard a noise. It was her amazingly busty mother coming in the room again, but now she was wearing nothing. This was going to turn into a hot threesome! I was out of my mind. They started sucking my dick at the same time, and they did so good a job I nearly fainted. They switched between my balls and my cock and it was like I was in heaven. After that they came up and the mom sat on my face, and the daugher on my cock. They were facing each other and kissing, which was a bit weird but I was so in nirvana that I did not notice that at the time. After that I fucked them one at a time as they were on their knees and they were screaming with joy. Finally when I was ready, I cummed all over their tits and I was exhausted.
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