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There was a guy who went into one of my yoga classes to thank me after class. It wasn't long after we'd done our downward dog and were lying on the floor breathing in tandem that I realized what happened. While most of the time I'm in class I'm listening to myself breathe or letting my body become relaxed by feeling the stretch from one side of my spine to the other, sometimes things happen. Sometimes someone will fall over and it'll be because they've had too much water at dinner and it's making them feel lightheaded, or perhaps their head has started spinning faster than usual and they're a little dizzy. There have been instances where a person's digestion has slowed down just enough to give them indigestion that results in diarrhea. Maybe there was another instance, I don't know. I can say for sure this dude who came up to me felt something warm between his legs and assumed it was an accident. Of course if I had touched his dick then he might have thought that it was intentional and assumed I was checking if he was hard enough to bang my yoga instructor. This dude saw me in class, did his downward dog, got in between my spread legs, ran his hands along my arms and proceeded to cup both my tits through my thin shirt. If that doesn't tip you off you aren't paying attention. Then, even though I was fairly confident that he wanted me to know that his erections didn't take three weeks to get to full size, I still looked him right in the eye and said 'I'm not touching your cock.' After that he stopped approaching me and was content to stare up at me throughout the class, drooling like a horny school boy. And maybe it took the whole hour before he finally left the room. I know I noticed and spent quite a few minutes thinking about how that must have made me feel. A little hot? Sure, especially since it was obvious that my boobs were hanging loose and people could see everything he saw as he gave me oral.
